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How do I install Switchy?It is very easy to install Switchy, and should take about 5mins for a trained electrician. We Currently provide free installation in Bangalore City, please contact us for installation in other cities. Anybody willing to install on their own can use the included wiring diagram for reference. Please Note that any wrong connections may lead to Electrical Hazard and can damage the device, thereby voiding the warranty.
Can I operate my existing switch after installing Switchy ?Definitely you can, Switchy is the India's 1st Retrofit design where your physical switch will also work along with the App. You can Turn On the Light on the App and Switch it Off using the Switch or Vice Versa.
Is WiFi mandatory for Switchy ?Yes, Switchy uses your existing WiFi Network to communicate to the Internet. An active internet connection is required for Switchy to work properly. Every module indepently connects to the WiFi Router eliminating the requirement of Centralized Hub/Controller.
How long is the Warranty Period?We are the only company to provide 2 year warranty period. Any Damage or Malfunctioning of the device due to manufacturing defect will be covered under warranty. And a suitable repair or replacement will be provided. Please Contact us for any Warranty Claims.
Is there any Monthly Charges?NO , Unlike other brands we do not charge any monthly or subscription charges on our product. You only pay for the price of the product and thats it, All the cloud charges are free for lifetime.
How to create account in switchy mobile app?Download the Switchy app from the Play Store or App Store. Once installed, open the app and select "Create Account." Enter all the details and proceed with email verification. Check your mail inbox for the verification email, and if it's not there, check your spam folder. Click the verification link, once verified then you can log in using your registered email and password.
How to login in switchy app?1. Open the switchy app on your device 2. Enter the registered email and password 3. Click login
How to add room in the switchy app?Login into switchy app. In the homepage top-right corner click menu icon. select "Add Room". Enter the room name and select the type of the room. click Save to add new room.
How to add device in the switchy app?Open the switchy app. In the top-right corner click menu icon, select "Add New Device" option, select the room where you want to add the device and click Next. Select the device name. Scan the QR code provided along with device box. Now you can see the device added to the room.
How to create another house in the app?Login into the switchy app. Then goto profile page. click on up right corner(settings page).Then select "create location" and enter the house name then click on create. Close the app and reopen it. In the home page top-left corner house logo to switch the house.
My devices are not working with mobile app?Check if the mobile is connected to the wifi network or mobile data. After that open switchy app and goto profile page and check if the device is online(Green or Orange color on the device in the device list indicates the device is connected to WiFi). If there is red color on the device indicating WiFi is not connected to the device. then you can restart WiFi router. If your WiFi password or username is changed. please reconnect the device to the existing wifi.
Not able to login in switchy appCheck for the email and the password you entered is same which you have entered while creating the account. If you don't remember the password enter the username or email and click on "Forgot Password". Type new password and re-enter new password and enter the verification code sent to registered email address. If you didn't find the mail in the inbox, check the spam folder.
Forgot switchy app passwordOpen the switchy app from your device. Enter the username or email and click on "Forgot Password". Type new password and re-enter new password and enter the verification code sent to registered email address. If you didn't find the mail in the inbox, check the spam folder.
How to give access of switchy account to another person?Create the switchy account for the user you want to give access to. During setup, it will ask for create new house or link to existing house. select "Link to existing house" and enter HouseID and password of the existing account. You can find the HouseID in the profile page of switchy app, click on link button. You can also select providing access to particular rooms for the another user by going to profile page.
How to add timers to the device?Open the switchy app from your device. Goto automation page and click on "+", select time, device details and click Save.
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